Okay, I may not be feeling super, but I was trying to think of some great alliteration for this blog post title (fail). The past couple months have been such a whirlwind and I have been terrible about posting on here (sorry guys). I know a lot of my friends and family members have been asking me where the posts are, so here I am. It's 11:00 on a Tuesday night and I really should be cuddling in my cozy bed with my husband right now, so this probably won't be too long.
...let's see, where to start.
Second of all, I am not currently working. After lots of spotting (ick/ouch), going in to pre-term labor, crazy cramping, and passing out a couple times at work, my doctor officially cut me off. I went back to her twice asking her for a note to go back part time, but it was to no avail. She feels that with my high blood pressure and other issues I should make a conscious effort to stay off my feet. She even recommended that I don't do any sort of exercise, even walking! It was a hard adjustment at first, but I know that it is better for both my health and the health of the baby. Only a couple months til our little girl is with us.
She also mentioned the possibility of a C-section (ick/ouch again). Jacob and I kind of got married to the idea of a natural birth, but I guess it's nice that we get to mentally prepare ourselves instead of having to go into an emergency c-section and being stressed out of our minds. It's hard to have a regular labor with crazy high blood pressure, and mine has been doing nothing but going up every single week. Also, if my placenta does not move (right now it's covering part of my cervix) then there is no way I can deliver vaginally. I am praying every day though that God will heal my body, cause I am kind of dreading a giant cut in my abdomen.
Our little baby girl has been doing aerobics in my uterus lately. I just can't believe how much movement I am feeling--she must be super hyper! At my last appointment, the nurse couldn't believe how much movement she was feeling from the outside. She even called some of the others gals in just so they could feel it--I guess she's moving around a lot for it being this early.
In other news, Jacob and I are both wonderfully happy. It's kind of crazy, but even through all of this physical stress and these financial worries, God has covered our house with an amazing peace. We are both filled with so much joy and complete confidence that we are covered with God's grace, blessings, and favor as we move into this new season in our life. He has been so good to both of us, and continues to provide even when we think there is no way things will work out.
I am pretty sure we have chosen a name for the little one. We are both thrilled about it, but won't be making any official announcements until she is born. (Warning: it's the most amazing/beautiful/awesome name ever)
Thanks for reading guys. :)
Oh, and here is a quick almost-six-months pic before I forget. I refuse to post these on my facebook, so I guess i'll just slip one in here. I am actually feeling a lot smaller than I thought I would feel this far into the pregnancy.