Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Wife, Happy Life

I can't even describe how lucky I feel to be having a baby with my husband, of all the men out there. I know that may sound silly, because who else would I rather have a child with than my husband? What I mean, is that I simply to not know another man who is more amazing than my husband. He has made this entire process so easy and so stress-free.

Jacob and I are very different from each other. For those of you who know us well, you can attest to that fact. :) Jacob is clean, organized, driven, and very detail oriented. I prefer to call myself "free spirited." For the past couple weeks, Jacob has been working hard at getting our home organized; getting rid of old stuff, testing out paint colors, and making room for baby. These are all probably things that I would leave to the last minute, but Jacob has encouraged me to get my life and my things organized BEFORE we start bringing baby stuff into our home. Man, he is so helpful and SO RIGHT!

We spent yesterday evening clearing the office of old wedding decorations, my wedding dress, and my high school prom gowns (I know I am not the only one who keeps those). We now have a much more organized space for baby belongings.

Not only has he helped me become a bit more "clean," but he is all around amazing in so many other areas. May I just share with you?
-Everytime he gets in my car, he cleans it out for me.
-He brings me flowers when he comes home from work--regularly.
-He ALWAYS makes me breakfast when we have mornings off together.


Thanks for letting me boast about my amazing life partner. I am so lucky, and I can't wait to see him as a father. He is going to be incredible!

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