On Monday we had our 12 week ultrasound and we were both speechless with what we saw. :) My mom came with us, and she was thrilled to see baby Sipes wiggling around as well. His or her profile is just so perfect, and I couldn't help but tear up when saw it was sucking its thumb! How precious! :)

Our baby has been doing a ton of growing. He or she can now open and its fingers and toes, and has the ability to suck on its fist or fingers. He or she is now around 3 inches in length, around the size of a lemon! I can't believe that at our first ultrasound they said our baby was the size of a grain of rice! :)
A lot of changes have been going on in my body too. It has been so magical to watch my body transform, making room for the healthy, growing baby inside of me. One funny thing is that my belly button is already so tight and hard, I swear it is going to pop out any second now! I have still only gained 4 pounds, but it is definitely all in my tummy. :)

Jacob and I went to a Halloween party this weekend and it was so crazy seeing everyone all dressed up! Some people really go all out for Halloween, and I can't help but get a kick out of all the crazy costumes. He was a "sexy" fireman. He told everyone he was Mr. September 2007, it was pretty hysterical.
We are both just so happy right now. I can speak for myself and say that this is probably the happiest I have ever been in my life. I am so happy with where we are at, and can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. He seems to have a sense of humor sometimes..
Talk to you all later!
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