Monday, February 13, 2012

Big Mama

Man, I can't even imagine what I am going to feel like in ten weeks because I am feeling huge right now! It's not necessarily the way I look that is bothering me so much, but the fact that it is getting nearly impossible for me to bend down and tie my own shoes...and forget taking my boots off on my own! This morning, it took me three attempts just to get off the couch! I usually wear my husband's T-shirts to bed, and they are slowly but surely starting to become quite tight across my mid-section (why can't he wear a size large?). I have been needing more naps lately too. We had a doctor's appointment this morning at 10:00, and by 11:30 I was in bed for a quick 45-minute nap. Our baby is already two pounds and I think she is sucking a lot of energy out of me!

I am also feeling lots of aches and pains (is this what it feels like to be old?). My back hurts quite often, and I start to feel an uncomfortable tightness in my stomach after walking around too much or being too active. In fact, I had quite the scare the other day after going on a two-mile walk with Jacob and Kobi (our dog). Once we came back from our walk, my stomach became so tight that I could not even deeply inhale. It felt like all my insides were bursting. It was honestly the most painful thing I have ever experienced. My doctor prescribed me some muscle relaxers to take when needed. I guess for some odd reasons my ab muscles are not loosening up the way they should, which is making the baby and all of my guts quite crowded. Today at our appointment, our doctor told me that my stomach is still way too hard and my muscles are too defined--especially on top--and that it would make it quite hard for me to have a C-section. In a way, that's good news because this mama does not want a C-section! I guess P9-X Ab Ripper really does work!

Aside from feeling like a big mama, there are some other changes in my body that I am starting to notice. Someone pointed out the other day that I am starting to develop the linea nigra--a dark line that goes vertically down your baby belly. It's not very dark yet though--I wonder if it gets darker? I am also able to see my belly move a lot as this hyper baby practices Lord of the Dance in my uterus. Sometimes when my laptop is resting on top my belly, I see it kind of bounce up and down. SO WEIRD!

Well, I guess that's all I have for. I am scheduled to have a 3D ultrasound on February 27th...but part of me is kind of nervous to see the baby's face! I will post pictures on here if all goes well.


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