I know it's been ages since I have updated this thing, but I think I have sort of been in a weird slump and felt like I have nothing to write about. I guess I can update you on my health and how the pregnancy is going thus far:
To make a long story short, my blood pressure has been getting higher and higher as I go father along in the pregnancy. Every appointment it's up by a good 10 numbers or so, so I am basically on house arrest to prevent it from rising. My doctor had me collect urine for 24 hours this week to test me for pre-eclampsia,and I have yet to hear back on those results. My doctor believes that my chronic hypertension will lead to pre-E eventually (because it most often does), but at the rate it's going up, I won't need to get baby out for another 3-4 weeks. That puts me at full term (37 weeks) if and when my BP gets too high for my body and baby to handle.
On top of that, I am still having some funky issues with my abdominal muscles, and they really aren't loosening up one bit and making room for baby. She has about 30% less space to grow because the top portion of my abdomen is so tight and closed off. This issue has proven quite painful for me, because whenever I do ANYTHING that even remotely tightens my muscles (i.e. walking), they tense up and make me feel like my stomach is exploding. I run out of room to breathe, and the baby starts moving lower and lower (and it feels like my pelvis is cracking, even though I am sure it's not). I am able to write in such vivid detail because unfortunately, I experienced this weird phenomenon last night and was in horrendous pain for a good four hours. It's like one giant contraction that never goes away! I don't know what I would do without the muscle relaxers my doctor prescribed me!
What's misleading about this whole thing is that I truly do feel great. I feel energized and healthy, which tricks me into thinking I will be fine to go for a walk around the neighborhood or shop around Target. WRONG. I think my Target trip yesterday is what triggered my very painful evening. My body REALLY just needs to lay low until baby is ready to come out.
In some other happy news, I am having a family baby shower tomorrow! My sister-in-law Lexi and my mom are throwing it for me, and lots of the Canada fam is coming to celebrate with us! I can't wait! (It might get a bit chaotic since ALL of Jacob's extended family and my family will be there). I will have to post pictures after the event!
Well, that's all I have for now. Baby Sipes is going to be here soon... Dad and I are so very anxious to meet her (and name her).
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